We believe the families that make together
stick together

Let's dive into a world of laughter, creativity, and connection. Discover exciting new projects, get organized with ease, and watch as kids beam with pride from start to finish.

Craft unforgettable memories with GlueStick - where every activity is a chance to bond and create something special together.

Join us in the joy of making moments that last a lifetime!

I come from a long line of crafty women. When I was young, my mom owned an independent craft store. She got her creative spark from my grandmother, who was inspired by her mother, an expert seamstress. To me, a house isn’t a home without a closet full of creative supplies. It’s important to me to pass this tradition of creativity to my own daughter. In a world increasingly managed by machines, creativity is what’s going to keep us human. I want my daughter to have the confidence to create her own dreams, and that starts with pulling out the crayons and glue sticks at the kitchen table.

— Abby Allen, GlueStick Founder

Our Story

It was a cold, rainy day and preschool was on holiday break. Our founder, Abby Allen, was in back-to-back Zoom meetings while her husband managed daddy day care. Abby’s daughter loved to make art projects and had a well-stocked craft station, and yet despite Abby’s urging, nothing creative was made all day. Abby emerged from her office to find daddy and daughter in front of disparate screens, disengaged. Frustrated, she asked her husband why. Why was it so hard for this talented, creative man to come up with projects to make with their five-year-old daughter?

Abby’s husband described feeling overwhelmed by the prospect. He didn’t know where to go to find age-appropriate ideas. He didn’t know what supplies the family had or where exactly they were stored. He didn’t know how much time a project would take and didn’t want to leave the family with a mess to clean up before dinner could begin. Abby could relate. She often felt these same challenges and routinely spent far more time planning and setting up projects than participating in them with their daughter.

Crafting was such an important way for Abby to build connection with her daughter. She knew there had to be a better way for her and her husband to engage their child in creative pursuits.

Abby started asking other parents how they planned and executed family creative time and heard similar frustrations. Friends described knowing that making projects together was an important way to foster life skills and confidence in their kids, but few parents seemed happy with the way that was happening in their own homes.

Drawing on over a decade of software product management experience, Abby decided to build GlueStick. Her hypothesis: technology can streamline the project selection, setup and clean up process so that families can spend more quality time creating together.

Have we fulfilled that vision? Contact us and tell us what you think. We love feedback.

Awards and Recognition

GlueStick proudly participated in the inaugural cohort of Elevate Hennepin’s CEO Start program.

We are currently competing in the 2024 Minnesota Cup Education Division.

  • All people, especially children, are inherently creative and curious. Foster the spark.

  • The world needs creative solutions. Encourage innovative ideas. 

  • The most important thing we can give each other is our time. Make every moment count.

  • Technology can make creative opportunities more accessible. Reach everyone.

  • Learning happens through experimentation and failure. Fail fast, learn, and try again.

  • Creating things with caregivers strengthens family bonds. Make Memories Together. 

Our Values

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